Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Elevation & Movement - "Puzzled Path"

"Puzzled Path"
I used a puzzle piece as a inspiration to depict inhibited movement and risky elevation. Each foot block is composed of two interlocking shapes. The upper piece that is directly attached to the foot is shaped in a way so that it cannot be worn alone and cannot provide mobility to the body without the presence of the matching bottom piece. There is interdependence between the two pieces that compose each foot block. For the performance, a third party would be asked to advance the lower blocks on behalf of the "walker" or the performer. This is meant to create a walking path that is not in control of the walker, but rather in control of another person. Each step advanced is representative of a puzzle piece meeting its matching piece, but also in the hands of outside controller. The "path controller" may set the lower blocks in any trajectory desired without consulting for the comfort or goals of the "walker".

Monday, October 14, 2013

Egg Case Final

The main pursuit behind this design was the implementation of both symmetry and asymmetry. Symmetry alone can be stagnant and indifferent whereas asymmetry alone can be chaotic. I wanted to apply both aspects of form to create a dynamic and balanced design. Also, an egg is not a sphere, it is not even a perfect oval, so I did not want to pursue an idealized spherical/symmetrical form. The result was a symmetrical planar form as the center surrounded by an asymmetrical linear form resembling various shapes of stars.